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From Our Chairman 

Jeff Davis

Acorn Capital Management

Dear Business Roundtable Members & Prospective Members: 


The Oklahoma Business Roundtable is an association of business leaders and economic development partners dedicated to the future economic growth of Oklahoma. 


As we enter our 34th year of service, the Roundtable has proven to be an effective and successful economic development organization, joining a broad range of business, community, and education leaders into one mission: Business Leadership Advancing Oklahoma’s Economy. 


We are a nonprofit, nonpartisan economic development “support” organization providing vital private sector funding to enhance busi­ness retention, expansion, start-up, and attraction of new business enterprises. 


We assist our Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Commerce Depart­ment, and many statewide partners with focused investments targeted toward the greatest economic development return. This backing includes workforce development projects; assisting trade and invest­ment missions; marketing Oklahoma globally; hosting prospects, site location consultants and dignitaries; economic development strategic planning efforts; and sponsoring special business development events. 


Creating quality jobs and growing Oklahoma’s economy is our prior­ity and we continue to make a difference. This past year, the Commerce Department worked directly on 71 projects creating over 8,100 new jobs and over $4 billion in capital investment. New and announced pri­vate sector investment was more. Your membership in the Roundtable helps support these efforts. 


As a proud member of Oklahoma’s business community, I want you to know how important our “collective” efforts are as we better position our state for business development. Our continued investment of support to job creation and long-term economic opportunity in communities across the state builds a stronger Oklahoma. 



Jeff Davis



Contact Us


Oklahoma Business Roundtable

655 Research Pkwy #420

Oklahoma City, OK 73104

(405) 235-3787




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